Bass Fishing Simulator Devlog #1

Yes, you read the title correctly. It's now called 'Bass Fishing Simulator' rather than 'Bass Clicker'. In fact, the plan was to call it Bass Fishing Simulator the whole time! I know, I know, you're probably saying things like "What a twist!", "Couldn't of seen that one coming!" or "That sounds like a roblox game...". If you said the last one, then shut up. (Even though you may be right.) However, if you said one of the first two, then there is no need to praise me, even though I sure did a great job hiding it! (Definitely didn't accidentally say it like half of time...)


 Progress Update

 Progress is coming along slowly but surely however, I haven't made any actual changes or additions to the game. My recent attention has been towards planning, which I will get into below. However, what I wanted to say here is that development status pings will become far less frequent because I'm near the stage of development where I'm working on the core gameplay and User Interface. This means development will be less streamlined and more all over the place, plus it's hard to post status updates on the core gameplay without spoiling too much. :)


 The Fishies

 I have created the stats for 28 different fish so far. The rarities range from the generic common to legendary, with uncommon rare and epic in between. Each rarity will have one type of bass in it, among other fish. To showcase this without spoiling too much, I'll just show one of each rarity:



 Anyways, thanks for reading!

- Benj_2005 at 7:30am 26/08/2021 (AEST)

 Copyright © Benj_2005 / Benjcore 2021